The Rabbis and Cantors Retirement Plan is open to graduates of recognized rabbinical and cantorial training institutions who are actively engaged in serving the Jewish community as rabbis or cantors.
The Plan especially welcomes rabbis and cantors who are members/graduates of the following organizations, which pay annual dues to support the plan. Professional members/graduates of these groups are eligible to participate and may be entitled to reduced annual fees.
- AJRCA (Academy for Jewish Religion-CA) Clergy and Alumni Association
- Association of Rabbis and Cantors
- Hebrew College Clergy Alumni Association
- International Rabbinic Fellowship
- Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
- Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
In addition, your eligibility is based on how you are employed:
By a synagogue: All rabbis and cantors employed by a synagogue, in whatever role, are eligible to participate.
By a non-profit: As long as you are "exercising your ministry" in your work, you are eligible to participate. For example, if you are employed by a day school where you are teaching or serve as clergy on a college campus, you would be eligible.
By a for-profit: If you are working as a clergy member through employment at a for-profit organization (for example, as a chaplain at a for-profit hospital) you are eligible.
Self-employed: All self-employed rabbis and cantors who are exercising their ministry are eligible to join.
*Please note - Applicants for participation who are not graduates/professional members of the listed organizations will be required to provide documentation of educational and ordination equivalency, as is required by our bylaws.