Contribute Funds

How to Submit Funds

All contributions to participant accounts are made through Fidelity's online Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP).

The person making the contributions (either the employer in most cases or the Rabbi directly who is not working for a synagogue) completes this  Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP) Request for Access Form using our plan number. The individual who requests access will then receive an email from our administrator when Fidelity has created the account, with a division code and instructions to connect a bank account.

If you have any questions or issues, please email us at  Or contact Fidelity Customer Service for assistance: (800) 917-4369 or email at

Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP) Request for Access Form

Link to the Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP)

Link to User Guide for Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP)

Simplified Contribution Platform - FAQ

* Please note that contributions need to be received by Fidelity no later than December 15 to be processed and included in the current tax year. 

Roth 403 (b)(9) Account 

Following inquiries from participants, the RCRP board has worked with Fidelity to establish the option of Roth 403 (b)(9) accounts. Roth 403 (b)(9) (unlike traditional IRAs) are funded with post-tax dollars, grow tax-free, and are not subject to the minimum distribution requirements of traditional IRAs or 403 (b) funds. Roth 403 (b)(9) funds are already exempt from federal income tax when withdrawn (at an appropriate age). It is, therefore, our best understanding that these cannot be designated as housing allowance (parsonage). Consult your financial advisor as to whether Roth 403 (b)(9) are a good choice.

For assistance contributing to the Roth 403 (b)(9) account in Fidelity's Simplified Contribution Platform, please call 1-888-502-7526 option 1.

For assistance with a transfer/rollover into your Roth 403 (b)(9) account or to choose a fund for your Roth 403 (b)(9) account, please call Fidelity's Participant Support at 1-800-343-0860.

Contribution Limits

Maximum Employee Annual Contributions
(for all participants)
Employee Catch-up Contributions  
Age 50 - 59 and age 64 or older$7,500$7,500
Age 60 - 63$11,250$7,500
Maximum Employee Annual Contributions + Catch-Up  
Age 50 - 59 and age 64 or older$31,000$30,500
Age 60 – 63$34,750$30,500
Maximum Employer + Employee Annual Contributions  
Under age 50$70,000$69,000
Age 50 - 59 and age 64 or older$77,500$76,500
Age 60 - 63$81,250$76,500

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